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Klipdrift Premium Brandy 750ml

Way back in the beginning of our story, Kosie Marais shared Klipdrift with his family and friends. From the word go, they couldn't stop talking about the smooth, full-bodied taste of the brandy. Kosie kept his methods secret, but maintained that all you needed to make excellent brandy was time, good quality grapes and a big nose. He was right.

Knob Creek 9YO Small Batch 100 Proof 700ml

Knob Creek is crafted in limited quantities, aged 9 years and placed in only the deepest charred American Oak barrels to fully draw out the natural sugars. Then we bottle it at an honest 100 proof to reflect the flavor, strength and patience that defined pre-prohibition whiskey. Once you've grown into this full flavor, no other bourbon will do.

Kooksoondang Makgeolli Banana Rice Wine 750ml

Crafted traditionally with locally sourced rice, capturing Korea's essence. Sugar-Free Banana flavoured Kooksoondang Rice Makgeolli boasts a smooth 4% alcohol content. Best served chilled, it captures the delightful aroma and essence of banana milk.

Kooksoondang Makgeolli Peach Rice Wine 750ml

Crafted traditionally with locally sourced rice, capturing Korea's essence. Enjoy Kooksoondang's Sugar-Free Peach Rice Makgeolli - a smooth delight at 3% alcohol. Chill and unwind with the refreshing taste of peach-infused rice wine.

Kraken Black Spiced Rum 700ml

As it is told, The Kraken Rum is an imported rum from the Caribbean blended with secret spices. Named for the sea beast of myth and legend, The Kraken is strong, rich, black and smooth. It is said that a ship carrying one of the largest quantities of black spiced rum ever to be brought over from the Caribbean islands, for unexplained reasons, never reached its destination.

Kristov Red 13.9% 1 Litre

Our vodka is smooth, clean and sophisticated. The perfect base to any drink.

Kwai Feh Lychee 700ml

The essence of fresh lychee fruit in sweet natural tasting liqueur. Light pink in colour.

KWV 10YO Ten Barrel Select Potstill Brandy 750ml

KWV 10 is a constant award winner and flagship brandy renowned the world over. It is aged for a decade in French oak barrels and contains only 100% pot still spirit content. KWV 10 is a premium spirit that deserves to be enjoyed at any occasion.

Lady H Artisan New Zealand Gin 700ml

Lady H Gin is a Contemporary Modern Gin, a smoothly balanced softly Juniper forward Gin, displaying floral notes with a deep warming spice, vibrancy of fresh citrus with a sweeter finish. Smooth and Balanced, it has been created to be enjoyed with soda and a splash of tonic, or on the rocks...

Lady H Duchess Apple Pie Gin Cup 700ml

Duchess H Apple Pie Gin Cup is an explosion of DELICIOUS AUTUMNAL sweetness, the SUCCULENT and juicy freshness of baked apple greets the nose, WARMING WINTER SPICE with hints of cinnamon, followed by a rich buttery pastry finish... Lady H's small batch Gin Liqueurs pay homage to the elegant old world tradition of FRUIT CUPS, to be enjoyed with laughter, friendship and fun cosying up together as the seasons change.

Lady H Duchess Gincello Gin Cup 700ml

Duchess H Gincello Gin Cup has been blended using inspiration from traditional lemoncello, zesty lemon aromas greet you with citrus brightness and a deep golden glow. Smooth clean Lady H Gin brings botanical depth layered with a velvety sweet mouthfeel to captivate ones senses. Lady H's Small Batch Gin Liqueur pays homage to the elegant old world tradition of fruit cups, to be enjoyed as a refreshing and invigorating summer spritz bright and zesty citrus summer fun...

Lady H Duchess Meri Kirihmete Snow Globe Peach & Passionfruit Gin Cup 700ml

Meri Kirihimete! Celebrate a very Kiwi Christmas with Lady H's special edition silver snow globe of Duchess H Peach & Passionfruit Gin Cup which contains all the fragrant, perfumed and delicate floral scents synonymous with summertime. Fragrant and Bright peach with soft citrus greeting the nose, followed by a juicy punch of Tangy Tart passionfruit sweetness...
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