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Rum Co. of Fiji Ratu 8YO Signature Blend Rum Liqueur 700ml

Aromas of zesty orange, dark chocolate and coffee, with a velvet mouth feel of coconut and spiced oak followed by a lingering fresh citrus flavour.

Russell's Reserve 10YO Bourbon 750ml

Russell's Reserve 10 Year Old from Wild Turkey has been matured for a decade in heavily charred casks giving it a massive palate, yet leaving it deceptively smooth.

Sailor Jerry Savage Apple 700ml

A juicy refreshing twist on the Sailor Jerry Original Spiced rum with notes of apple, nutmeg and cinnamon.

Sailor Jerry Spiced Rum 700ml

The all-natural spices and flavours give this rum a rich, smooth taste characterised by top notes of vanilla and cinnamon. More than anything else, it's the spicing that's responsible for the distinctive character,, smoothness and versatility of this rum.

Sailor's Home Single Pot Still Haven Irish Whiskey 700ml

The first release of the unique Single Pot Still Irish Whiskey style - triple pot distilled, and introducing oats to a mash bill of malted and unmalted Irish barley. They journeyed East and West to select Spanish Oloroso Sherry and American Bourbon casks to mature this special spirit to perfection reflecting centuries of trade from Spain through Limerick and on to the New World. The Sailor's Home was built in 1856 to provide welcome and sanctuary to seafarers on their journeys. A haven really.

Sailor's Home The Explorer Series The Journey Irish Whiskey 700ml

The Journey Irish Whiskey reflects a passion to create unique, delicious whiskey experiences. No other Irish whiskey is made like this. Aging Irish whiskey first in Virgin American oak, then recasking into American Bourbon barrels. Bringing this together with malt Irish whiskey matured in American Bourbon and finished in Jamaican Rum casks, adding tropical fruits and rum notes. A taste to return to, time and again.

Sailor's Home The Islands Series 10YO Caravelle Irish Whiskey 700ml

Caravelle - the second of The Islands Series - is named for the sailing ship used for long voyages of exploration in the 15th, 16th, and 17th centuries, and for Presqu'ile de la Caravelle, the wild and lush natural reserve in Martinique. Remarkable Irish malt and grain whiskeys are matured for at least 10 years in American Bourbon casks and expertly blended. Martinique has a specific AOC controlling how Rhum Agricole is produced - masterful finishing in selected Martinique rum casks introduces earthy and exotic flavour notes.

Sailor's Home The Islands Series 10YO Horizon Irish Whiskey 700ml

The exceptional first of the Islands Series, The Horizon 10 year old Barbados Rum cask. The Islands Series reflects our pursuit of bold whiskey experiences - infusing our whiskey with the unique flavours from rum casks of the Caribbean islands. Remarkable Irish malt and grain whiskeys, matured for at least 10 years in American Bourbon casks. Expert finishing in selected Barbados Rum casks introduces lush, refined flavour twists typical of the birthplace of Caribbean rum.

Saint Brendan's Irish Cream Liqueur 750ml

Saint Brendan's is a rich, indulgent treat that's a delightful blend of award-winning The Quiet Man Irish Whiskey and all-natural cream. Smooth and creamy, with notes of vanilla, marshmallow, chocolate and a touch of spice. Authentically Irish, Simply Delicious.

Santa Marta Amaretto 500ml

This amaretto is a classic Italian liqueur made from macerated roasted cocoa beans, vanilla pods, apricot kernels, bitter almonds, sweet orange zest and orange blossom in water and alcohol. After a short fermentation this infusion is distilled and mixed with a sugar syrup and more alcohol.

Santa Marta Caffé Espresso 500ml

Coffee liqueurs are produced globally, but Espresso Liqueurs are intrinsically Italian. The Espresso was born during the 1884 Exhibition in Piemonte. Santa Marta's rapid extraction exalts and concentrates the aromas and fragrance of the coffee. The nose is alluring, with notes of espresso, roasted aromas, and hints of vanilla. The palate is rich with espresso coffee flavour and a sweet aftertaste. Perfect with ice cream, sorbet, and tiramisu. Excellent in mixed cocktails.

Santa Marta Cioccolato Chocolate Liqueur 500ml

This smooth Italian chocolatey delight is perfect when served on the rocks, chilled, over ice cream or added to your favourite espresso martini for that mocha factor.
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