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The Butcher's Cellar Cabernet Sauvignon 750ml

The Butcher's Cellar is a range of wines that will match perfectly with your favourite cuts. Whether it's steak, BBQ ribs or chicken, they've taken the guess work out, and developed the perfect wine that will match all your favourite cuts. Indulge yourself and your guests to a bloody good experience.

Thorn-Clarke Shotfire Quartage Red Blend 750ml

Aromas of freshly crushed peppercorns, roasted capsicum & blackcurrant fill the glass. On the palate there is a generosity of fruit. The notes of dark cacoa and smokey bacon intertwined with velvety tannins lead to a complex finish.

Thorn-Clarke William Randell Cabernet Sauvignon 750ml

Dark red with a bright edge. Highly perfumed nose of blackcurrant, violets and leafy undertones. The palate shows varietal purple fruits and mulled spice. The complex oak and integrated tannin leads to an excellently poised wine. A wine which is refined and balanced, walking a fine line of elegance and power.

Trinity Hill Gimblett Gravels The Gimblett 750ml

The Gimblett; is traditionally made from a blend of grape varieties. The Cabernet family gives structure and fresh aromatics. Merlot gives richness and mid-palate weight with Malbec helping with complexity, density and colour.

Wine Men Of Gotham Cabernet Sauvignon 750ml

The palate is luscious with a along velvety finish. The palate progresses from berries/cassis through cigar box and to chocolate, with a hgh 'drink me' factor.

Wolf Blass Yellow Label Cabernet Sauvignon 750ml

These wines are at the heart of the Wolf Blass brand - single varietal, fruit driven and South Australian. Yellow Label wines have delivered quality and consistency for more than four decades.

Yalumba Menzies Cabernet Sauvignon 750ml

Elegant and inviting aromas of cedar and chocolate combine beautifully with rich, ripe cassis and violets. Sublime tannins give the drinker an insight into the agebility of this wine. Excellent drinking now and it will continue to evolve and delight.

Yalumba The Cigar Cabernet Sauvignon 750ml

A perfumed wine, displaying spice notes, lavender and violets, with fruit aromatics of warm strawberries, blackberries, and the quintessential note of sea-spray that the region is known for. Peppery, fresh and alive with youthful tannins, the moderate to long palate has intense red-purple cassis fruit.
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