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Taylors Estate Shiraz 750ml

The wine has a wonderful aroma displaying dark plum, redcurrant and red cherry fruits along with subtle chocolate and a touch of oak derived spice. The palate is plump & generous with ripe fruit characters of plum, cherry and redcurrant. Mocha coffee and subtle aniseed characters are also present along with vanillan oak to balance the fruit flavours. The wine is medium-bodied with a soft mid-palate & pleasing tannin structure. It is a well balanced wine with great texture, good length and enjoyable fruit flavours on the finish.

Taylors Jaraman Shiraz 750ml

The luscious elegance of the Clare Valley fruit marries superbly with the slightly peppery fruit from McLaren Vale.

Taylors Promised Land Shiraz 750ml

A soft and fleshy Shiraz boasting a lively palate of juicy red berry fruits, plum and spice, along with subtle chocolate and savoury characters from the oak maturation.

Taylors Promised Land Shiraz Cabernet Sauvignon 750ml

A balanced medium bodied wine with a lively palate of juicy red berries, plum, cassis, chocolate and spice. The wine has a soft, supple feel with silky smooth tannins from oak maturation.

Taylors Reserve Parcel Shiraz 750ml

Selected for their uniqueness of character and outstanding quality the Reserve Parcel wines represent the finest aspects of each vintage. This Shiraz displays generous fruit flavours of plum and blackberry along with mocha coffee and subtle spice characters from the oak maturation.

Te Mata Estate Syrah 750ml

This Syrah includes a touch of Viognier, a traditional winemakeing technique in France's Rhone Valley. It introduces a delightful floral aroma and supple texture to Syrah's spicy dark berry flavours.

The Butcher's Cellar Shiraz 750ml

The Butcher's Cellar is a range of wines that will match perfectly with your favourite cuts. Whether it's steak, BBQ ribs or chicken, they've taken the guess work out, and developed the perfect wine that will match all your favourite cuts. Indulge yourself and your guests to a bloody good experience.

The Last Shepherd Syrah 750ml

The Last Shepherd Syrah is a bold Hawke's Bay Syrah and a deliciously good story. Floral aromas such as lilac, violet with lifted dark berry notes appear on the nose. On the palate, flavours of boysenberry and plum with well-integrated oak influence come through. With medium weight on the palate, this wine has a hint of pepper and warm spices, rounded out with a soft and velvety finish.

Tipping Point The Opportunist Shiraz 750ml

There is plenty of fruit weight here, some mocha, and grilled meat notes, more vanilla coming through on palate. Supports Kea Conservation Trust, working to protect this majestic and cheeky bird.

Trinity Hill Gimblett Gravels Syrah 750ml

Wild raspberry, blueberry, cracked pepper and hints of vanilla bean show on the nose. Powerful and balanced ripe tannins give the wine great savoury structure.

Trinity Hill Homage Syrah 750ml

The Homage is a beautifully aromatic wine with interwoven berry purity oak sophistication. A floral, scented nose initially dominates with brambly, blackberry & licorice aromatics sitting in the background. Intense and concentrated in the mouth with fine-grained tannins providing a powerful, yet silky texture. Balanced acidity & supportive oak ensure the wine remains vibrant, focused, & supple on a palate distinguished by exceptional length of flavour & a lingering spicy finish.

Tyrrell's Old Winery Shiraz 750ml

Smooth, soft and spicy, with aromatics of dark fruits and vanillin oak, the rich Shiraz flavours supported by firm tannins that deliver plenty of length and complexity.
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