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Selaks Essential Selection Sauvignon Blanc 750ml

Our Selaks range is made in an approachable style highlighting the fresh vibrant fruit character of each variety. These are wines suitable for all occasions, delivering excellent quality and consistency every vintage.

Selaks Origins Lighter Piquette 8% Pinot Gris 750ml

Selaks New Zealand piquette from Pinot Gris is naturally lower in alcohol* delivering delicate aromas of white flowers and a balanced palate of juicy nashi pear and citrus flavours. *Lower in alcohol, compared to standard Selaks Origins full strength wines.

Selaks Origins Lighter Piquette 8% Rosé 750ml

Selaks New Zealand Piquette Rosé fruit wine is naturally lower in alcohol* whilst delivering enticing aromas of watermelon and a light fresh summer berry palate. *Lower in alcohol, compared to standard Selaks Origins full strength wines.

Selaks Origins Lighter Piquette 8% Sauvignon Blanc 750ml

Selaks Marlborough Piquette from Sauvignon Blanc is naturally lower in alcohol* whilst delivering mouthwatering aromas of pineapple and melon, followed by a fresh tropical fruit and citrus a palate. *Lower in alcohol, compared to standard Selaks Origins full-strength wines.

Selaks The Taste Collection Apple & Pear Pinot Gris 750ml

The Taste Collection is a celebration of the generous and distinct flavours that have made Selaks wines so extraordinary and sought after for more than 90 years. Apple & Pear Pinot Gris, floral notes of rose water, with melon and hints of spice. A rich and textural palate displaying floral and tropical fruit. A soft, just off dry finish.

Selaks The Taste Collection Berries & Cream Rosé 750ml

The Taste Collection is a celebration of the generous and distinct flavours that have made Selaks wines so extraordinary and sought after for more than 90 years. Berries & Cream Rosé, ripe juicy berry flavours and a light creamy finish - reminiscent of strawberries and cream in the summertime. This delicate pink Rosé is a great drink for sharing.

Selaks The Taste Collection Buttery Chardonnay 750ml

The Taste Collection is a celebration of the generous and distinct flavours that have made Selaks wines so extraordinary and sought after for more than 90 years. Buttery Chardonnay, smooth, creamy and simply melts in your mouth. The beautifully integrated toasty oak results in flavours of brioche and vanilla, while still enabling the delightful ripe stone fruit characters to shine through.

Selaks The Taste Collection Tropical Sauvignon Blanc 750ml

The Taste Collection is a celebration of the generous and distinct flavours that have made Selaks wines so extraordinary and sought after for more than 90 years. Tropical Sauvignon Blanc, packed with juicy citrus flavours. Layer in passionfruit and melon undertones and you get a flavour explosion waiting to happen. Definitely a wine to delight your friends with.

Shed Five Thirty Estate Chardonnay 750ml

Aromas of butterscotch, white peach and citrus characters. The palate is off-dry with lemon zest and peachy flavours. Food Match: Roast chicken, fish & chips, oysters or a white sauce pasta.

Shed Five Thirty Estate Rosé 750ml

Strawberry and raspberry on the nose with a background of Golden Queen Peach. The palate is off-dry and refreshing. Food Match: Enjoy on it's own chilled as the perfect summer aperitif or with a soft cheese board.

Shed Five Thirty Estate Sauvignon Blanc 750ml

The aroma profile shows gooseberry, freshly cut grass, passionfruit and lime. The palate is dry with lime zest and passionfruit taste. A great line of acidity helps with flavour persistence. Food Match: Enjoy with seafood, grilled chicken, salads and pastas.

Shingle Peak Chardonnay 750ml

Vibrant green in colour, the nose is fresh with lime juice cordial, white peach and hints of subtle creamy French oak. The palate is crisp and fresh, lime and honey dew melon linger, intertwined with well integrated oak and defined acidity that gives structure and length.
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