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Taylors Estate Pinot Noir Rosé 750ml

This wine is medium-bodied with fresh and delicate flavours of strawberry and raspberry fruit balanced with hints of mineral talc.

Te Kairanga Tk Pinot Gris 750ml

Full, rich, and smoothly textured, it offers aromas of lightly roasted cashews, pears, white peaches and a touch of quince. On the palate, a lovely even flow leads to a lingering finish with ripe pear, quince, nectarine and savoury flavours coming through in harmony.

Te Kairanga Tk Sauvignon Blanc 750ml

Harmonious, lifted aromas full of tropical fruits, melon and nectarine, balanced by floral and herbal notes.

Te Mata Elston Chardonnay 750ml

Pale lemon in colour with a brilliant, diamond-like clarity, Elston Chardonnay shows captivating notes of roasted hazelnuts, cashews and citrus fruits on the nose, alongside crème brûlée and nougat. Tropical fruit, intense white peach and ripe lemon all radiate across the palate.

Te Mata Estate Chardonnay 750ml

Sourced exclusively from Te Mata Estate's own vineyards. This Estate Vineyards Chardonnay was harvested from Bridge Pa Triangle, Woodthorpe Terraces and Havelock Hills vineyards. White gold in the glass, immediate refreshing appeal of ripe nectarine and lemon sorbet edged with sea-salt, roast almond and a hint of smoke from French oak. Delicious on its own, or a wonderful partner for both simply prepared and fuller flavoured seafood and white meat dishes.

Te Mata Estate Sauvignon Blanc 750ml

Vibrant guava and vibrant passionfruit on the nose give way to gooseberry, coriander and aniseed on the palate - rich, complex botanicals that add alluring detail to this wine.

Te Pa Rosé 750ml

This Rosé is dry, textural and pure fruited. Strawberries, raspberries, spice and lavender lead into a crisp finish with a gentle vein of lingering acidity.

Te Pa Sauvignon Blanc 750ml

This wine delivers aromatics of citrus, stone fruit, florals and nettles. The palate is concentrated and vibrant, with gooseberry, tarragon, black currant and nectarine flavours. A refreshingly crisp finish is supported gentle herb and intriguing mineral notes.

Te Whare Ra Chardonnay 750ml

The growing conditions in Marlborough mean that it is well-suited for the production of world class Chardonnay. A relatively cool climate results in a long, even growing season which is great for flavour development. This means that TWR can make a style of Chardonnay which balances concentration and complexity, whilst retaining the finesse that a higher natural acidity brings - which is unashamedly the style they like to drink!

Te Whare Ra Sauvignon Blanc 750ml

TWR's aim with this, their classic style of Sauvignon Blanc, is to put 100% effort into making a wine that silences all the doubters and which restores faith in this region and the amazing quality of the wines from here. This Sauvignon Blanc is a blend from specially selected vineyards in two different sub-regions of Marlborough and is all grown and made by The Flowerday Family.

Te Whare Ra Single Vineyard 5182 Gewürztraminer 750ml

TWR has a long standing reputation for producing one of NZ's finest Gewürztraminer and much of the credit must go to their vineyard. This wine is produced solely from 14 rows in the old block which were planted in 1979 and are some of the oldest vines in Marlborough. Intensely perfumed, with notes of lychees, mango, ripe oranges and cloves. These lead into luscious varietal flavours of lychee and quince, with underlying characters of ginger and exotic spice. The palate shows intense fruit concentration and weight with a fine, soft texture and excellent persistence of flavour.

Te Whare Ra Single Vineyard 5182 Pinot Gris 750ml

TWR are passionate about aromatic varieties and particularly those from Alsace so it was only a matter of time until they took on the challenge of Pinot Gris. When they first bought their property they replanted a section of the old block with the Berry-Smith clone (also known as Larkham clone) of Pinot Gris. TWR selected this particular clone especially for its low cropping, small bunches and small berries as they felt it would deliver the best quality fruit.
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